How to organize a music festival

To organize a music festival is a dream for many people. Entertaining thousands of people on an event that you put up yourself, that’s what you want to reach. But there is a lot more than meets the eye when you start organizing your own music festival. Festival management requires a lot of planning and … Continued

Festival Marketing: How to distinct yourself in a saturated market

In recent years one of the words that has been generating quite a buzz in the world of marketing is ‘experience’. But what does is mean? Experience marketing is described as marketing where an experience is created for a product or service like a festival. A prime example is the Red Bull Stratos Space Jump, … Continued

HOW TO: Video crossposting on Facebook

What is crossposting? Crossposting, posting the same post on multiple pages. The concept has been around for a while, but when Facebook revealed this new function for Facebook videos, we were still kind of excited. Crossposting offers a large number of possibilities for pages. That’s why we found it very surprising when there wasn’t much … Continued

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